The computer terminal is perched at the edge of a rusty, ancient, planet-side freight elevator. It is a tiny terminal with two big chunky buttons and a tiny screen.
At boot up, the tiny screen shows four options, with a blinking icon hovering over the first. The players will quickly learn that the left button SCROLLS OPTION and the right button SELECTS OPTION.
- Elevator operations
- Updates
- History
- Customs
After being selected, the screen gives a different set of options, with the following effects if selected:
Elevator Operations:
Elevator Operations:
- Up: moves elevator up one level at a sluggish pace. If at top of elevator, does nothing
- Down: moves elevator down one level at a slightly less sluggish pace. If at the bottom, does nothing.
- Updates available: brings user to the following screen:
- Update system?
- Yes: crashes the entire system beyond repair
- No, later: returns to main options list
This section is up to the Warden's discretion, as appropriate for their home game.
This section is up to the Warden's discretion, as appropriate for their home game.
- Source Sans Pro.regular
- Bankgothic.regular
- 楷体
- 微软雅黑
Selecting any of these options changes the system font and returns to the home screen.
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